You should…

Unite with others. This one will take a lot of organizing, but we know there’s a lot of support. Get involved in your community, run for local office, talk to everyone you know, and support local candidates who will change the narrative and policies on guns.

Do it.

Congress should…

Congress needs to pass more legislation and regulation to save lives. Contact your representative to ask them to pass more legislation and take action for gun control. There are local and federal solutions for each aspect of guns; they just need to be enacted.

Make them do it.

Biden should…

Biden ran for President on a platform of executive orders he could take on his own to ensure gun safety. He hasn’t done those. He could also pressure Congress and local governments to pass more legislation. The answer isn’t more money for the police; it’s legislation and policies that will reduce the number of guns on the street and how people can get them.

Make them do it.